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已有 746 次阅读2010-10-14 20:12

开始时间: 2010年9月28日 周二 18:00
结束时间: 2010年10月19日 周二 23:00

地点: 上海 黄浦区 中山东一路18号4楼 18gallery
首次年度世界摄影盛会与世界摄影奖展览将在上海著名的外滩十八号18画廊隆重揭幕。展览定于2010年9月28日开始,展品包括“2010年Sony世界摄影奖”的获奖作品;学生专项作品;联合国儿童基金会 “儿童权利”项目的获奖照片;还包括一个照片墙,张贴着近几年获得提名或获得奖项的中国摄影家的作品。

首次年度世界摄影盛会与世界摄影奖展览在上海著名的外滩十八号18画廊隆重揭幕。展览于2010年9月28日开始,展品包括“2010年Sony世界摄影奖”的获奖作品;学生专项作品;联合国儿童基金会 “儿童权利”项目的获奖照片;还包括一个照片墙,张贴着近几年获得提名或获得奖项的中国摄影家的作品。今年,世界摄影节将会在4个国家举办,分别是美国旧金山,巴西圣保罗,英国伦敦以及中国上海。




Ada: adazhou@bund18.com;
Tina: tinazeng@bund18.com
电话: 63237066-1007; 63237066-2006










D J Clark (UK) - Contract multimedia reporter for China Daily, Director of Visual Journalism at the Asia Center for Journalism , Course leader on the MA International Multimedia Journalism at Beijing Foreign Studies University
Participating in:  Moving Image / Portfolio Reviews and Workshop
参与 : 移动影像,改变摄影师作品分享方式 / 影集述评会,第一部分:研讨会 /影集述评会,第二部分:点评

D J Clark is a contract multimedia reporter for China Daily, Director of Visual Journalism at the Asia Center for Journalism and Course leader on the MA International Multimedia Journalism at Beijing Foreign Studies University (in collaboration with the University of Bolton, UK). He also researches and writes about visual journalism as a vehicle for social change.

DJ Clark 是《中国日报》的签约多媒体记者,也是亚洲新闻中心视觉新闻的主任,北京外国语大学国际多媒体新闻研究生课程(与英国Bolton大学合作)的学科带头人。他就视觉新闻是如何促进社会改革的问题进行研究,并撰写了一系列文章,这一主题也推动了他在新闻和学术方面的工作。D J在全世界各地都开办有视觉新闻的Workshop,最近主要服务于佳能在中国和菲律宾的分公司,英国驻克罗地亚、莫桑比克和越南的大使馆,以及世界新闻摄影大赛(荷赛)在菲律宾和非洲的组织。2010年,他组织了WPP世界新闻摄影大赛的第一个多媒体Workshop,为2010年世界杯训练非洲籍记者。

Scott Thode (US) - Editor of VII The Magazine and Co-Curator of the 2011 LOOK3 Photo Festival in Charlottesville, Virginia
Participating in:  Portfolio Reviews and Workshop / Marketing & Commercializing: The International Exchange / Moving Image
参与 : 影集述评会,第一部分:研讨会 / 影集述评会,第二部分:点评/移动影像,改变摄影师作品分享方式 / 市场营销与商业化—国际交流

Scott Thode is the Deputy Picture Editor at Fortune Magazine. In 2007, he was nominated for a Lucie Award as Photo Editor of the Year. Scott teaches at The International Center for Photography and is also on the Advisory Board of LOOK3 Photo Festival in Charlottesville, Virginia. As a photographer Scott was the recipient of numerous photography awards.

Scott Thode 斯科特·左德(美国)自由策展人兼图片编辑

Chen GuangJun (Beijing) - Director of Gallery 798
Participating in: Portfolio Reviews and Workshop / Photographers Studio, interviewing Yao Lu
参与 : 影集述评会,第一部分:研讨会 / 影集述评会,第二部分:点评 / 摄影工作室,与姚路和陈光军在一起

Chen Guang Jun is the owner and director of 798 Photo Gallery in Beijing, the first Fine Art gallery dedicated to photography in China The gallery aims to discover and collect Fine Art photography works, and provides a platform for cultural and commercial exchange. Exhibitions are held periodically featuring both classical and contemporary photography art works in a wide selection of ethnographic and artistic shows of Chinese and international photographers. Chen Guang Jun has published ten photography books for various artists since 2003. In 2004 he won the Fine Art‘ and Fine Art B/W‘ categories at the 21st China Photography Competition and was curator of Forbidden City: International Photography Exhibition‘ in Beijing.

Chen Guang Jun 陈光俊是北京百年印象画廊的总监,百年印象画廊2003年成立,是中国第一家专注于影像作品的专业画廊。画廊以发现及收藏优秀摄影作品为目标,为艺术家、收藏家提供一个文化和商业的交流平台。画廊成立至今,举办了许多中国及国际知名艺术家的不同种类的展览,包括传统和当代的展览。陈光俊毕业于北京轻工业学院自动化工程系;1992年创办北京万得专业摄影器材行; 2003年至今已策划出版摄影家作品集:10册;2004年21届全国影展同时获得艺术类金奖、最佳黑白摄影艺术奖及优秀奖;2004年参与策划建国以来最大的摄影展《紫禁城国际摄影艺术展》;2006年参加美国PHOTOFEST在北京举办的影像专家见面会担任中方专家; 2006-2010年连续参加在法国巴黎卢浮宫举行的巴黎摄影博览会。

Yao Lu (Beijing) - Associate Professor, School of Design at the Central Academy of Fine Arts
Participating in: Photographers Studio / Portfolio Reviews / Marketing& Commercializing talk.
参与 : 摄影工作室,与姚路和陈光军在一起 / 影集述评会,第二部分:点评 /市场营销与商业化—国际交流

Yao Lu is currently Associate Professor at the School of Design at the Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing. In 2009 Yao Lu exhibitethe MA International Multimedia lsquo; series at the Bruce Silverstein Gallery in New York. Inspired by traditional Chinese paintings Lu‘s work creates images of rural mountain landscapes in which mounds of garbage covered in green protective nests are assembled and reworked by computer. Lying somewhere between painting and photography, and between the past and the present, Yao Lu‘s work speaks of the radical mutations affecting nature in China as it is subjected to rampant urbanization and the ecological threats that endanger the environment. Yao Lu won the 2008 Paris Photo BMW Prize for contemporary photography. His work has been shown across China: Lianzhou International Photo Festival 2007, New China Occidentalism – China Contemporary Art in Beijing in 2006, Pingyao International Photography Festival in 2004. Currently, Lu lives and works in Beijing.

Yao Lu 姚璐是中央美术学院设计学院摄影工作室副教授及硕士生导师。姚璐2008年在北京百年印象画廊、2009年在纽约的BRUCE SILVERSTEIN画廊先后举办了《遮蔽与重构─新山水》姚璐个人影像展,姚璐的作品用古代山水画的格局,以当下中国现实社会中的垃圾等元素重新创作出的新山水画。他的作品介于绘画和摄影、过去和当代之间。姚璐的作品反映的是当下中国所发生的变化,都市化迅速发展所造成的生态及环境危机。姚璐出生于1967年,1991年毕业于中央美术学院版画系,1998-2000毕业于中央美术学院与澳大利亚格里菲斯大学昆士兰艺术学院联合举办的摄影艺术研究生班, 获昆士兰艺术学院视觉艺术硕士学位。2008年作品获得PARIS PHOTO宝马大奖;2009年作品入围PRIXPICTET世界环保摄影大奖。姚璐作品曾多次参加国内及国际上的知名展览,并为国内外著名收藏家及其机构美术馆收藏。

Chang He (Shanghai) - Deputy Editor of the Shanghai Oriental Morning Post
Participating in: Moving Image / Portfolio Reviews.
参与 :  移动影像,改变摄影师作品分享方式 / 影集述评会,第一部分:研讨会 /影集述评会,第二部分:点评

Chang He is deputy editor at the Shanghai Orient Morning newspaper. He is in charge of the press visual department which is the first professional press visual department in China.
Currently Chang He is engaged in New Media research and education. In 2007 he won the second award of the subject Nature in World Press Photo competition for a series on Chinese Zoos. His photos ‗ Glass Box‖ have been exhibited in Fotoquai in France and other photo festivals.

Chang He 常河 就职于上海东方早报社,任副主编,主管新闻视觉部门,所管理的部门是中国第一家成立的专业化的新闻视觉团队,目前志立于新媒体的研究和教育工作。2007年,所拍摄的摄影作品《中国动物园》获荷兰世界新闻摄影比赛自然类的二等奖,《玻璃盒子》参加法国fotoquai及其它摄影节。

RongRong (Shanghai) - Photographer and Founding Director, Three Shadows Photography Art Centre
Participating in: Photographers Studio / Portfolio Reviews
参与 : 摄影工作室,与荣荣和顾铮在一起 / 影集述评会,第二部分:点评

RongRong (China) and inri (Japan) have been working together since 2000. Their works reflect the intimate world that they have created together, while pushing the boundaries of traditional black-and-white darkroom techniques. Their past critically acclaimed series of works, such as Mt. Fuji, In Nature, and Liulitun, focus on the beauty of the human being in nature and the urban environment.

In the 2007, RongRong and inri established the Three Shadows Photography Art Centre.


Liu Heung Shing (Beijing) - Author and Pulitzer Prize winning Photographer
Participating in: Shanghai book talk / Portfolio Reviews and Workshop
参与 : 上海:摄影的历史,自1842年至今 / 影集述评会,第一部分:研讨会 /影集述评会,第二部分:点评

Liu Heung Shing is senior advisor at Beijing Gehua Cultural Media Group and to Modern Media Group in China. As a former foreign correspondent/ photojournalist, Liu Heung Shing was posted to China, U.S., India, South Korea, and the former Soviet Union over a span of 20 years. In 1992, Liu was awarded the Pulitzer Prize and the Overseas Press Club Award for coverage of the collapse of the Soviet Union. Liu is the author of the widely acclaimed China After Mao,, Soviet Union: Collapse of an Empire and his latest book China, Portrait of a country. In 2004 Paris Photo named Liu as one of 100 most influential people in contemporary photography.

Liu Heung Shing 2009 年出任北京歌华文化集团和现代传播集团的高级顾问,1997-2006年先后出任时代华纳和新闻集团长驻中国的代表。此前,刘香成曾先后担任《时代周刊》和美联社的驻外通讯员/摄影记者,曾驻北京、洛杉矶、新

Karen Smith (UK) - Art & Photography Critic and Author
Participating in: Shanghai book talk with Liu Heung Shing / Portfolio The Reviews
参与 : 上海:摄影的历史,自1842年至今 / 影集述评会,第二部分:点评

Karen Smith moved to Beijing in 1992 to research the contemporary Chinese art scene. Since then she has become known as a writer, critic and curator, specializing in China‘s new art; contemporary practice in the post-Mao era. In 2006, she published Nine Lives: The Birth of Avant-Garde Art in New China. Her curatorial work includes projects in Europe and China.

凯伦·史密斯 Karen Smith

Biljana Ciric (Shanghai) - Curator
Participating in: Shanghai Photography Scene talk / Portfolio Reviews
参与 : 上海摄影界 / 影集述评会,第二部分:点评

Biljana Ciric has been the Director of the Curatorial Department at the Shanghai Duolun Museum of Modern Art and the China networking curator for the 2006 Singapore Biennale. Biljana‘s exhibition projects include Strategies from Within - Contemporary Art Practices in Vietnam and Cambodia and a major retrospective of Yoko Ono (Ke Center for Contemporary Art, Guangdong Museum of Art). Ciric curated History in Making: Shanghai 1979-2009, 30 Years Retrospective of Shanghai Contemporary Culture in 2009 among others. Her recent projects are Contemporaneity –Contemporary Art of Indonesia to be exhibited at Shanghai‘s MoCA and Body as a Museum at Tensta Konsthall in Stockholm later this year. Ms Ciric is one of the keynote speakers at the 2010 SCAPE Christchurch Biennale of art in public space. In addition she is a regular contributor for several Chinese and International art

Biljana Ciric荣获上海的华东师范大学艺术历史系文学硕士学位。她曾担任上海多伦现代美术馆策展部主任,并且担任2006年新加坡双年展的中国网络策展人。她倾注心血的力作―迁移嗜好者‖(Migration Addicts)受邀参加2007年第52届威尼斯双年展的特别机构邀请展以及―深圳/香港的都市及建筑双城双年展‖。她的展览作品包括―在野策略——柬埔寨越南当代艺术展‖(可当代艺术中心)、艺术家小野洋子的首次中国个展(可当代艺术中心、广东美术馆)。Ciric是2008年公共艺术项目―介入:艺术生活366‖的策展人,并在2009年策划了―上海滩1979—2009‖上海当代艺术30年大型回顾展。由她担任策展的―当代性:印度尼西亚的当代艺术‖目前正在上海当代艺术馆展出,―Body as a Museum‖则将于今年稍晚在斯德哥尔摩Tensta Konsthall美术馆呈现。Ciric女士是―SCAPE:Christchurch公共艺术双年展‖特约发言人。

Magda Danysz (Shanghai) - Director 18 Gallery
Participating in: Shanghai Photography Scene talk / Portfolio Reviews and Workshop
参与 : 上海摄影界 / 影集述评会,第一部分:研讨会 /影集述评会,第二部分:点评

Magda Danysz is a Paris-based art dealer, who opened her gallery in 1999. Over the years Magda has discovered and exhibited talent including Shepard Fairey (Barack Obama‘s official presidential campaign portrait photographer), JonOne, Miss Van, Erwin Olaf, and Ultralab among others. In June 2009, Magda opened a second gallery in Shanghai, China.

Magda is on the board of the multimedia cultural art center Le Cube in Issy-les-Moulineaux, to promote digital art and research. In 2007, she received the Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres and in January 2010 she was appointed Art Director of the Ai Ling Foundation in China supporting emerging artists and helping sick children. In May 2010 she has been nominated as an official expert Chinese contemporary art and street art, in the Compagnie Nationale des Experts.

Magda Danysz是法国籍的艺术经纪人。90年代初期, Magda Danysz就开始经营艺术生意,于1991年创办了自己第一个艺术空间,当时仅是个学生。后就读于法国埃塞克商学院(ESSEC),并于1995年和1998年以交换生名义就读日本大阪国际大学和阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯大学。完成学业后,于1999年开设了自己的画廊。这些年,她已展出了从街头艺术到数码艺术的各领域
的艺术作品。另外,她还发掘了一批艺术人才,包括Shepard Fairey(为奥巴马总统竞选作正式肖像画的艺术家),JonOne, Miss Van, Erwin Olaf, Ultralab以及其他艺术家。Magada参加过世界各地的艺术博览会如:博洛尼亚、纽约、迈阿密等等。2009年6月,她在中国上海创办了第二家画廊。

Gu Zheng (Shanghai) - Photography Critic and Curator
Participating in: Photographers Studio / Portfolio Reviews
参与 : 摄影工作室,与荣荣和顾铮在一起 / 影集述评会,第二部分:点评

Gu Zheng is the Professor of the School of Journalism, Fudan University, Vice-director of the Research Center for Visual Culture, Fudan University. Gu Zheng has published many books on both contemporary photography and photographic history. He has curated exhibitions across China, Asia the USA for galleries, museums, universities and biennale‘s. Gu Zheng is a jury member for the Second Sha Fei Photography Award (2009). He is also the member of editorial board of European Photography (Berlin) and Chinese Photography (Beijing), and a contributing editor for Aperture Magazine (New York). Gu Zheng won the First Sha Fei photography award.





Lorenz Wagner (Shanghai) - Founder and General Manager of Rimagine, and founder of Agency62.
Participating in: Portfolio Reviews / Marketing and Commercializing talk
参与 : 影集述评会,第二部分:点评 /市场营销与商业化—国际交流

Born in Nuremburg, Germany, Lorenz studied at the University of Cooperative Education in Ravensburg, Germany before becoming Marketing Project Manager at CortalConsors AG in Nuremburg. In 2002 he moved to Shanghai as Marketing Manager for COL | China Online. In 2004 he decided to join the other side of the photography table and founded Rimagine, a full-service photography company based in Shanghai and is the General Manager. In 2010 he founded Agency62, an independent Shanghai-based photography agency representing top professional photographers.



1996年-2000年,在德国纽伦堡的 Herpa 迷你模型公司担任总经理助理。

2000年- 2002年,在德国纽伦堡的CortalConsorsAG(网上银行)担任市场部项目经理。

2002年-2004年, 在上海的COL中国在线公司担任市场部经理。


2010年, 创立在上海代理全球顶级摄影师的代理机构Agency62。

Steven Harris (Shanghai) – Founder and Director of m97 Gallery
Participating in: Portfolio Reviews and Workshop / Marketing & Commercializing talk
参与 : 影集述评会,第一部分:研讨会 / 影集述评会,第二部分:点评 / 市场营销与商业化—国际交流

Steven Harris is the founder and director of m97 Gallery in Shanghai. A former photographer with a journalism and Chinese studies background. Steven has lived in China for most of the past ten years. Following his life-long passion to bring contemporary photography to the general public and to promote talented artists, he founded m97 Gallery in 2006. m97 Gallery is a dedicated platform for contemporary photography that currently represents over 30 Chinese and international artists, including world-renowned Michael Wolf, Nadav Kander, Han Lei, Chi Peng, Wang Ningde, and Jiang Zhi, as well as young new talent such as Chen Wei and Zeng Han, to name a few. Only one year after it opened its doors, m97 Gallery was voted in 2007 Best Photography Gallery in China by the readers of Fotomen Magazine.

Steven is often invited to participate in conferences and festivals as an expert in Chinese Contemporary Photography and regularly conducts portfolio reviews. Motivated by his commitment to the preservation of photographs as works of art, Steven Harris has brought to Shanghai international standards for the presentation and preservation of limited edition photographs, and offers this service to Shanghai-based collectors, museums, galleries and photography professionals.

Mr. Li Lei - Director of the Shanghai Art Museum and Director of the Shanghai Biennale, China
Participating in: Shanghai Photography Scene / Portfolio Reviews
参与 : 上海摄影界 / 影集述评会,第二部分:点评

[艾宁 编辑于 2010-10-14 20:31]








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