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[玛格南摄影师]Jonas Bendiksen

已有 4724 次阅读2009-9-14 13:20


2004年以加盟会员的身份加入马格南图片社,乔纳斯•本迪克斯 (Jonas Bendiksen) 在2006年正式成为名符其实的成员。


早在19岁时,乔纳斯•本迪克斯 (Jonas Bendiksen) 就进入伦敦马格南图片社,但他很快地就对刻板的办公室生活感到厌倦,因此不久后就以自由业摄影师的身份前往俄罗斯工作。在数年期间,他密切关注前苏维埃帝国的解体报道,并将它们编入Satellites一作中 (Aperture出版社,2006年)。他的作品主要着力于孤立的社区以及存在于大团体中的独立小团体。


创作经常获奖的本迪克斯,新作“Kibera”的故事方才赢得美国国家杂志奖,并刊登在Paris Review。他同时获得Freedom of Expression Foundation 基金会的奖助金,并且赢得世界新闻摄影比赛 (World Press Photo) 日常生活新闻系列类(Daily Life-Stories)榜眼的佳绩。此外,国际摄影中心 (International Center of Photography) 2003年更将Infinity Award奖颁发给他,而他也抱回了Pictures Of the Year International (POY) Awards的首奖。他的作品主要由National Geographic国家地理、Géo、Newsweek、The Telegraph Magazine、The Sunday Times Magazine等杂志以及洛克菲勒基金会 (The Rockefeller Foundation) 为他出版。他目前与妻子Laara以及儿子Milo居住在纽约。


2007年 ASME National Magazine Award首奖

2007年 Freedom of Expression Foundation 奖助金

2007年 Pictures of the Year (POY) International杰出奖

2005年 开放社会研究所 (Open Society Institute),分类奖助金2

005年 艾丽西亚•帕特森 (Alicia Patterson) 奖助金

2005年 世界新闻摄影比赛 (World Press Photo) 日常生活新闻系列类第二名

2005年 Pictures of the Year (POY) International杰出奖

2004年 纽约艺术基金会奖助金

2003年 Infinity Award奖,年度年轻摄影师,国际摄影中心

2003年 Picture of the Year International Awards首奖

2001年 世界新闻摄影 (World Press Photo) 大师级

2001年 Nikon/Sunday Times Magazine Ian Parry Memorial奖

2001年 摄影界新闻Photo District News “30 under 30”


艾丽西亚•帕特森 (Alicia Patterson Foundation) 奖助金纽约艺术基金会奖助金开放社会研究所 (OSI) 分类奖助金挪威艺术委员会奖助金


2006年 Satellites - 犹太历史博物馆,荷兰阿姆斯特丹

2004年 Moving Walls 8 - 开放社会研究所 (Open Society Institute),美国纽约

2002年 Changing the Face of India - Tom Blau Gallery艺廊,英国伦敦


2006年 Satellites, 美国Aperture出版社


——乔纳斯·本迪克森(Jonas Bendiksen)苏联解体后,15个年轻的共和国横空出世。然而,经济、政治和民族差异性,另外造就了一些鲜为人知的“国家”,至今未获广泛认可。挪威摄影家、最年轻的玛格南大师乔纳斯·本迪克森(Jonas Bendiksen)投入数年时间,拍摄了这些“不存在”的国家。摄影之旅《前苏联卫星国》(Satellites)记录了这些离散的飞地、未获承认的撮尔小国,以及其他坐落在前苏联南方边陲的孤绝之所,如隶属于前苏联的东欧“国家”外德涅斯特(Transdniester),未获承认的黑海“国家”阿布哈兹(Abkhazia),笃信传统伊斯兰教的中亚费尔干纳盆地(Ferghana Valley),俄罗斯与哈萨克斯坦之间的飞船坠落区域,还有位于俄罗斯远东地区的犹太自治州。

2006年,俄罗斯,前苏联空间计划电视图像。RUSSIA. 2006. Stills from TV footage of Soviet space program.

2004年,摩尔多瓦,外德涅斯特,最高苏维埃办公大楼前,乌鸦围着列宁雕像飞翔。在外德涅斯特,依然存在着对苏联的共产主义统治的追怀。MOLDOVA. Transdniester. 2004. Crows circle a statue of Lenin in front of the Supreme Soviet building. Transdniester is in many ways one of the last bastions of communist nostalgia in the former USSR.

2004年,摩尔多瓦,外德涅斯特,街景。MOLDOVA. Transdniester. 2004. Streetscene along the main boulevard.

2004年,摩尔多瓦,外德涅斯特,寒冬的早晨,乘客在公交车站等待驶往工厂的班车。MOLDOVA. Transdniester. 2004. People on a bus commuting to a factory in the cold winter morning.

2004年,摩尔多瓦,外德涅斯特,悬挂着前苏联镰刀斧头旗的酒吧。在外德涅斯特,依然存在着对苏联的共产主义统治的追怀。MOLDOVA. Transdniester. 2004. Patrons of "Red Heat", a local bar, drinking under banners with the Soviet hammer & sickle. In Transdniester, nostalgia for the USSR runs very high.

2004年,摩尔多瓦,外德涅斯特,教会施汤站。多数外德涅斯特居民生活贫苦,很大一部分依靠救济金糊口的当地人,更渴望前苏联的美好时光。MOLDOVA. Transdniester. 2004. People attending a church-run soup kitchen. Most Transdniestrians are poor, and a large portion of the population are pensioneers longing for the better times of the USSR.

2004年,摩尔多瓦,外德涅斯特,暴风雪中的街景。MOLDOVA. Transdniester. 2004. Streetscene during a snowstorm.

2004年,摩尔多瓦,外德涅斯特,钢厂。MOLDOVA. Transdniester. 2004. Steel mill. Despite the nationalist rethoric of the breakaway war with Moldova in 1992, critics of Transdniester see their quest for independence as a power grab by factory chiefs and economic elite of the region. Nearly all of Moldova's heavy industry was located in the Transdniester region, and Transdniestrian independence is catastrophic for Moldova.

2004年,摩尔多瓦,外德涅斯特共和国国防部副部长笑容可掬地手持Alazan导弹,他的身后是外德涅斯特1992年脱离摩尔多瓦独立的战斗场景。Alazan导弹最近成为媒体关注热点,《华盛顿邮报》指责外德涅斯特共和国为这种小型导弹装上核弹头,该国政府强烈否认这一指控。MOLDOVA. Transdniesterian deputy minister of defense looking lovingly at an Alazan missile in front of a scene from 1992 breakaway war with Moldova. The Alazan missile has been in the media's focus as of late, with a Washington Post article accusing Transdniester of lacing the small missiles with nuclear dirty bomb warheads, something the government strongly denies. 2004.

2004年,摩尔多瓦,外德涅斯特,地下酒吧“Prokhlada”门外,一块告示牌上标注着:禁止带入手榴弹、枪支、刀具、注射器、酒瓶、毒气罐,当然,斗殴也不允许。MOLDOVA. Transdniester. 2004. Outside the underground bar Prokhlada, a sign warns of the clubs conditions: No hand grenades, guns, knives, syringes, bottles, gas canisters or fighting allowed.

2004年,摩尔多瓦,外德涅斯特,列宁和马克思的画像悬挂在蒂拉斯波尔的一间酒吧的墙上。外德涅斯特之旅更像是把人带回了勃列日涅夫时期的前苏联。MOLDOVA. Transdniester. Vladimir LENIN and Karl MARX hanging on the wall of ÒRed HeatÓ, a drinking hole in the capital Tiraspol. A visit to Transdniester resembles nothing more than time travel back into Brezhnev-era Soviet Union. 2004.

2004年,摩尔多瓦,外德涅斯特,夜总会里的脱衣舞女。MOLDOVA. Transdniester. 2004. Stripper in a nightclub.

2004年,摩尔多瓦,外德涅斯特,街景。MOLDOVA. Transdniester. 2004. Streetscene.

2004年1月,摩尔多瓦,外德涅斯特,牧师在一池冰水前为信众洗礼。外德涅斯特居民主要为信奉东正教的俄罗斯族裔。MOLDOVA. Transdniester. 2004. The population of Transdniester is mainly ethnic Russians, and the main religion is Russian Orthodox Christianity. Here a priest gives his blessings before a christening in the icy waters of January.

2004年,摩尔多瓦,外德涅斯特,寒冬的早晨,驶往工厂的班车。MOLDOVA. Transdniester. 2004. People on a bus commuting to a factory in the cold winter morning.

2004年,摩尔多瓦,外德涅斯特,钢厂。MOLDOVA. Transdniester. 2004. Steel mill. Despite the nationalist rethoric of the breakaway war with Moldova in 1992, critics of Transdniester see their quest for independence as a power grab by factory chiefs and economic elite of the region. Nearly all of Moldova's heavy industry was located in the Transdniester region, and Transdniestrian independence is catastrophic for Moldova.

2004年,摩尔多瓦,外德涅斯特,早班路上的人们。MOLDOVA. Transdniester. 2004. People headed to work in the morning.

2006年,俄罗斯,前苏联空间计划电视图像。RUSSIA. RUSSIA. 2006. Stills from TV footage of Soviet space program.

2005年,阿布哈兹,苏呼米,一位名叫坦尼亚的老年俄罗斯族妇女遛完狗,走向自己被炸毁的公寓大楼,尽管已遭损毁,仍有人居住在楼内的三个房间里。ABKHAZIA. Sukhum. 2005. Babushka "Tanya," an elderly ethnic Russian woman, heads back to her bombed out apartment building after walking her dog. Despite the damages, three apartments remain occupied in the building.

2005年,阿布哈兹,苏呼米,坦尼亚的破旧公寓,这幢大楼位于1993年阿布哈兹与格鲁吉亚两军交战的前沿地带。ABKHAZIA. Sukhum. 2005. Babushka Tanya's run down apartment. Her building was on the front line between Abkhazian and Georgian forces during the 1993 war.

2005年,阿布哈兹,加格拉,一名俄罗斯女游客在前苏联旅游胜地“Pensionat Energetik”。ABKHAZIA. Gagra. 2005. A Russian tourist girl in a Soviet-era resort "Pensionat Energetik," on the coast of Gagra.

2005年,阿布哈兹,苏呼米郊外,毁与战火的公寓大楼,仍然有人居住在其中一些房间内。ABKHAZIA. Sukhum. 2005. Damaged apartment building on the outskirts of Sukhum. Some of the apartments are still occupied.

2005年,阿布哈兹,苏呼米,坦尼亚的破旧公寓。ABKHAZIA. Sukhum. 2005. Babushka Tanya's run down apartment.

2005年,阿布哈兹,旅游巴士停靠站附近,游客付10卢布就可以和熊拍照留影。藉着丰富的黑海旅游资源,阿布哈兹大力吸引来自俄罗斯的游客。ABKHAZIA. 2005. With its lush Black Sea location, Abkhazia is trying to attract Russian tourists. Here, at a road stop on the tour bus route, an entrepreneur, who charges tourists 10 rubles to photograph his bear, catches his breath between busloads.

2005年,阿布哈兹,加格拉,人们乘船划向黑海。ABKHAZIA. Gagra. 2005. People sailing out on the Black Sea.

2005年,阿布哈兹,苏呼米。虽然阿布哈兹主权尚未独立,是一个仍然受到战争摧残的遗世之地,但这并不妨碍当地人和俄罗斯游客被黑海的温暖水域所吸引。1993年,经过一场惨烈的战争,阿布哈兹脱离前苏联格鲁吉亚共和国宣布独立。ABKHAZIA. Sukhum. 2005. Although Abkhazia is isolated, half-abandoned and still suffering war wounds due to its unrecognized status, both locals and Russian tourists are drawn to the warm waters of the Black Sea. This unrecognized country, on a lush stretch of Black Sea coast, won its independence from the former Soviet republic of Georgia after a fierce war in 1993.

2005年,阿布哈兹,一位肺结核病人。肺结核在阿布哈兹发病率很高,“无国界医生”组织在当地医院提供DOTS治疗(directly observed treatment, short course,意为“直接督导下的短程化疗”)。ABKHAZIA. 2005. A man with Tuberculosis. Abkhazia has high rates of TB. "Doctors Without Borders" supply the DOTS treatment in this hospital.

2005年,阿布哈兹,苏呼米。一名女孩走过毁坏的建筑群环抱之下的水坑。阿布哈兹位于黑海之滨,尚未获得主权独立。ABKHAZIA. Sukhum. 2005. A girl steps over a puddle surrounded by damaged buildings. Abkhazia is an unrecognized country on a lush stretch of Black Sea coast.

2006年,俄罗斯,前苏联空间计划电视图像。RUSSIA. 2006. Stills from TV footage of Soviet space program.

2005年,纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫,舒希,一名路人经过空荡荡的公寓区,这座小城在上世纪90年代的阿塞拜疆和阿美尼亚冲突中受到毁坏,半座城市化为废墟,所有的阿塞拜疆居民要么被杀,要么逃亡。Nagorno Karabakh. 2005. A man walks past the half-empty apartment blocks of Shushi, a town that was partially destroyed in the Azeri-Armenian war of the early 1990s. Today it remains half-wrecked, and all the previous Azeri residents fled, or were killed, during the bloody war.

2005年,阿布哈兹,纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫。AZERBAIJAN. Nagorno-Karabakh. 2005.

2005年,阿布哈兹,纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫。AZERBAIJAN. Nagorno-Karabakh. 2005.

2005年,阿布哈兹,纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫。AZERBAIJAN. Nagorno-Karabakh. 2005.

2005年,阿布哈兹,纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫。AZERBAIJAN. Nagorno-Karabakh. 2005.

2005年,阿布哈兹,纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫。AZERBAIJAN. Nagorno-Karabakh. 2005.

2005年,阿布哈兹,纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫。AZERBAIJAN. Nagorno-Karabakh. 2005.

2006年,俄罗斯,前苏联空间计划电视图像。RUSSIA. 2006. Stills from TV footage of Soviet space program.

2002年,乌兹别克斯坦-吉尔吉斯斯坦边境,费尔干纳盆地,乌兹别克斯坦边境巡逻队。UZBEKISTAN-KYRGHYZSTAN border. Ferghana Valley. 2002. An Uzbek border patrol surveys one of the valley's seven territorial enclaves. The myriad borders of the valley make it hard to control and ideal for smugglers.

2002年,乌兹别克斯坦,费尔干纳盆地,父子二人在家中祈祷。由于伊斯兰教受到打击,这使得在公共场合祈祷成了件危险的事。UZBEKISTAN. Ferghana Valley. 2002. A father and son pray in their home. The crackdown on Islam makes it dangerous to pray in public.

2002年,乌兹别克斯坦,费尔干纳盆地,一名男子,他的三个儿子都由于进行未经许可的宗教活动被投入监狱。UZBEKISTAN. Ferghana Valley. 2002. A father who has three sons in jail for unsanctioned religious activity.

2002年,乌兹别克斯坦,费尔干纳盆地,由于受到政府的打击,伊斯兰教被迫转入地下,在秘密学校和清真寺中发展,如同本图所示。UZBEKISTAN. Ferghana Valley. 2002. The government crackdown on Islam is forcing religion underground, into secret schools and mosques such as this one.

2002年,乌兹别克斯坦,费尔干纳盆地,除了一名男性家庭成员以外,全家所有人都因为宗教活动和信仰问题被投入监狱。UZBEKISTAN. Ferghana Valley. 2002. All but one male member of this household are in prison for their religious activities and beliefs.

2002年,乌兹别克斯坦,费尔干纳盆地,这名妇女因为宗教迫害而失去了家庭中的大部分男性成员,她本人也被指控以宗教罪行。UZBEKISTAN. Ferghana Valley. 2002. A woman who has lost most of the men in her family tp religious persecution. She has also been accused of religious crimes.

2002年,乌兹别克斯坦,费尔干纳盆地,马尔兰吉,在一场地下宗教运动中,为了避免受到政府怀疑,几乎所有的男性都剃光了胡须。UZBEKISTAN. Ferghana Valley. Margilan. 2002. Here in the center of the underground religious movement, nearly all men keep a close shave to avoid government suspicion.

2002年,乌兹别克斯坦,费尔干纳盆地,奥什,海洛因吸食者。在此地,一剂量海洛因的价格比一瓶啤酒还便宜。费尔干纳盆地是阿富汗毒品的重要转运地。KIRGIZSTAN. Ferghana Valley. Osh. 2002. Heroin addicts in Osh, where a dose of the drug costs less than a beer. The valley is a major hub for drug trafficking from Afghanistan.

2002年,乌兹别克斯坦,费尔干纳盆地,奥什,Elmira(右)正在帮助她的朋友吸食海洛因。艾滋病和毒品在费尔干纳盆地泛滥成灾。KIRGIZSTAN. Ferghana Valley. Osh. 2002. Elmira (right) helping her friend inject heroin. HIV and drug use are skyrocketing in the valley.

2002年,乌兹别克斯坦,费尔干纳盆地,(伊斯兰教)宰牲场。UZBEKISTAN. Ferghana Valley. 2002. Halal slaughter house.

2002年,乌兹别克斯坦,费尔干纳盆地,奥什,市场。KIRGIZSTAN. Ferghana Valley. Osh. 2002. Marketplace.

2002年,乌兹别克斯坦,费尔干纳盆地,穆斯林妇女把自己埋进沙子,她们相信这种沙子有康复作用。UZBEKISTAN. Ferghana Valley. 2002. Muslim women digging themselves into supposedly healing sands.

2006年,俄罗斯,前苏联空间计划电视图像。RUSSIA. 2006. Stills from TV footage of Soviet space program.

1999年,比罗比詹,犹太自治州,大卫星被潦草地涂写在破旧的公寓窗户上。RUSSIA. Birobidzhan, Jewish Autonomous Region. 1999. The Star of David is scribbled on a broken apartment block window.

1999年,比罗比詹,犹太自治州,电视上显示出斯大林的图像,Raisa在一旁织补衣服。RUSSIA. Birobidzhan, Jewish Autonomous Region of Russia. 1999. Stalin looks out on his creation while Raisa sews

1999年,比罗比詹,犹太自治州,街景。位于远东西伯利亚的比罗比詹是现代最早的犹太人家园,她的创建时间比以色列还早20年。RUSSIA. Birobidzhan, The Jewish Autonomous Region. 1999. The first Jewish homeland of modern time, created 20 years before Israel, located in Far-East Siberia. Streetscene.

1999年,比罗比詹,犹太自治州,人们在寒冬里等待早班汽车,这里的气温经常低于零下40度。位于远东西伯利亚的比罗比詹是现代最早的犹太人家园,她的创建时间比以色列还早20年。RUSSIA. Birobidzhan, The Jewish Autonomous Region. 1999. The first Jewish homeland of modern time, created 20 years before Israel, located in Far-East Siberia. People waiting for the morning bus in the freezing winter, which often reaches -40 Celcius.

1999年,比罗比詹,犹太自治州,一位年轻的犹太女孩在和长辈争论。位于远东西伯利亚的比罗比詹是现代最早的犹太人家园,她的创建时间比以色列还早20年。RUSSIA. Birobidzhan, The Jewish Autonomous Region. 1999. The first Jewish homeland of modern time, created 20 years before Israel, located in Far-East Siberia. A young Jewish girl and her elders arguing.

1999年,比罗比詹,犹太自治州,Khoddus一家。RUSSIA. Birobidzhan, The Jewish Autonomous Region of Russia. 1999. In the Khoddus family household.

1999年,比罗比詹,犹太自治州,一名俄罗斯青少年参加由以色列赞助的夏令营。位于远东西伯利亚的比罗比詹是现代最早的犹太人家园,她的创建时间比以色列还早20年。RUSSIA. Birobidzhan, The Jewish Autonomous Region. 1999. The first Jewish homeland of modern time, created 20 years before Israel, located in Far-East Siberia. A Russian Jewish teenager at an Israel-sponsored summer camp.

1999年,比罗比詹,犹太自治州,街景。位于远东西伯利亚的比罗比詹是现代最早的犹太人家园,她的创建时间比以色列还早20年。RUSSIA. Birobidzhan, The Jewish Autonomous Region. 1999. The first Jewish homeland of modern time, created 20 years before Israel, located in Far-East Siberia. Streetscene

1999年,比罗比詹,犹太自治州,每周都有数以百计的比罗比詹犹太人前往以色列,再次踏上寻找犹太家园和美好生活之梦。位于远东西伯利亚的比罗比詹是现代最早的犹太人家园,她的创建时间比以色列还早20年。RUSSIA. Birobidzhan, The Jewish Autonomous Region. 1999. The first Jewish homeland of modern time, created 20 years before Israel, located in Far-East Siberia. Every week, hundreds of Birobidzhani Jews left for Israel, once again in search of a Jewish homeland and a better life.

2006年,俄罗斯,前苏联空间计划电视图像。RUSSIA. 2006. Stills from TV footage of Soviet space program.

2000年,俄罗斯,阿尔泰地区。断崖上横卧着几头死牛。当地人声称,他们饲养的牛羊有规律性地死于火箭发射造成的土地污染。RUSSIA. Altai Territory. 2000. Dead cows lying on a cliff. The local population claim whole herds of cattle and sheep regularly die as a result of rocket fuel poisoned soil.

2000年,哈萨克斯坦,一群人在等待火箭发射掉落下来的残骸。KAZAKHSTAN. 2000. A band of scrap metal dealers scan while waiting for a rocket to crash.

2000年,哈萨克斯坦,火箭发射后溅落的残骸正在燃烧。KAZAKHSTAN. 2000. The flaming wreck of the same rocket after it crashed during the night.

2000年,哈萨克斯坦,火箭发射后溅落的残骸依然灼热。KAZAKHSTAN. 2000. The fiery wreck of a rocket after it crashed during the night.

2000年,哈萨克斯坦,人们在回收火箭发射后溅落的残骸。KAZAKHSTAN. 2000. Scrap metal dealers collecting and blowtorching the wreckage of a crashed Soyuz spacecraft.

2000年,哈萨克斯坦,躺在大草原上的Soyuz火箭燃料箱。KAZAKHSTAN. 2000. A Soyuz rocket fuel tank lies on the steppe.

2006年,俄罗斯,前苏联空间计划电视图像。RUSSIA. 2006. Stills from TV footage of Soviet space program.

1999年,比罗比詹,犹太自治区,当地的首位拉比(译者注:犹太教负责执行教规、律法并主持宗教仪式的人),他今年才18岁。位于远东西伯利亚的比罗比詹是现代最早的犹太人家园,她的创建时间比以色列还早20年。RUSSIA. Birobidzhan, The Jewish Autonomous Region. 1999. The first Jewish homeland of modern time, created 20 years before Israel, located in Far-East Siberia. Birobidzhan's first Rabbi in years, who was only 18 years old.

2000年,俄罗斯,阿尔泰地区,村民从坠毁的飞行器上收集材料,周围是无数飞翔的白色蝴蝶。环境保护组织者担忧有毒火箭燃料会对当地环境造成污染。RUSSIA. Altai Territory. 2000. Villagers collecting scrap from a crashed spacecraft, surrounded by thousands of white butterflies. Environmentalists fear for the region's future due to the toxic rocket fuel.


文 / Jeuce



去年冬天,我无意中看到乔纳斯·本迪克森(Jonas Bendiksen)的摄影集《前苏联卫星国》(Satellites),立刻被那里面的内容而吸引。这个今年刚满30周岁的挪威青年摄影记者,在过去的7年当中,走遍了苏联解体以后最鲜为人知的边缘从固守前社会主义情怀的分裂地区Transdniester,到黑海岸边常年内战的旅游小镇Abkhazia,从被卫星残骸严重污染的Spaceship Crash Zones,到几乎被战争毁于一旦的山区Nagoro-Karabakh。他记录的这些地区,在解体以前是军事疆域或科学研究的前哨,资源被飘忽的政治剥削得所剩无几,在解体以后更是千疮百孔,在内战、主权、乡愁、逃遁、种族矛盾和国际制裁的隙缝中艰难生存。







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