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已有 1427 次阅读2006-9-25 13:39






我第一次在老六的工作室里看到他拍摄的关于北朝鲜《阿里郎》表演场面的照片的时候,感受到的是个体迷失在“集体”之中的命运,因为那是一个典型的可以按照政治学去解释的“文本”。但是,当我再次看到他在韩国拍摄的万众欢腾的足球之夜的照片时,我的思维跳出了简单的关于体制对个体生命压制的小圈子。它使我从更广泛的关于人生的命运的角度来思考这个问题。这时候,我想起了克日什托夫•基耶斯洛夫斯基(Krzystof Kieslowski)那部电影《维罗尼卡的双重生命》(两生花),一个忧伤而神秘的故事:一个波兰少女,一个法国少女,一般年纪,一样的名字,都叫维罗尼卡,都有着天籁般的嗓音和音乐天赋,但也都有心脏病。波兰少女在舞台上以天鹅垂死般的哀鸣歌声演出了自己的绝唱,猝然倒地而死。同时法国少女也感到了心脏剧烈的疼痛,她退出了歌剧训练,莫名其妙地爱上了一个表演木偶的神秘男子。这个上帝一般的男子告诉她,他表演的木偶每次都做两个一模一样的,以防“坏掉”。活下来的薇罗尼卡从此感悟到生命的神秘、脆弱与无奈。在影片的最后巴黎的维罗尼卡在自己旅行的照片中看见了华沙女子对自己静静的注视,原来曾经这个世界上有那样一个跟自己一模一样的人存在……





God’s Prop Chest
I first appreciated Lao Liu’s photos concerning North Korea showing in Arilang’s workshop. The feeling I first had was “fate” - individuals have lost themselves into a collective entity because that was a version which could be applied in politics. During the second viewing, I appreciated his photos showing millions rejoicing at a football night in South Korea and my thinking “jumped out” of the circle---a kind of oppression imposed on individuals and this helped me to think these questions from a different angle, life’s fate.  I then recalled Krzystof Kieslowski’s film “Double vie de Veronique, La¨Twinflower”. It’s a mysterious and grief filled story: a Polish and French woman, about the same age and the identical name Veronique. Each had a good natural voice and was talented in music but both met a tragic end dying from a heart attack. Like a dying swan’s moaning, the Polish singer completes her final song then suddenly falls dead. Meanwhile, the French maiden also feels a severe pain in her heart and she subsequently withdraws from opera training, and inexplicably falls in love with a mysterious puppet player. This God-like man tells her before each performance he deliberately prepares two exact puppets. The reason, in case one puppet becomes inoperable during the show’s performance, the other is available. From this moment onward, Veronique comes to realize life’s mystery, fragility and that life is often beyond one’s control. At the film’s conclusion, Veronique is found in Paris, in her own photos she had taken during her travels, while the Warsaw maiden is attentively at her in these photos. It turned out to be that there actually were two identical people in the world¬.
As an emigrant, Kieslowski, a member of the former socialist camp, escaped from Poland and arrived in France. Through these changing situations and a turn of fate, he tasted life’s fantasy as though he had been exiled and cut off from the outside world for ages. As a result, he felt life’s loneliness and isolation – an exile.
We can also experience these changeable fates when comparing the artificial division and the opposite ideologies separating South and North Korea. A nation, similar to a complete organism, was artificially divided and separated into two opposing, confrontational sides – closed and oblivious to the other’s influence. Under this lengthly division, they have developed their own pre-arranged unwilling ways void of any real communication or understanding the other. The same metaphorical effect as in Krzystof Kieslowski’s film where fate becomes a changeable yet unpredictable factor. These arranged factors force changes according to different interests and varying agendas of those powerful countries touting different political ideologies geopolitical differences. Like a shadow following its originator, they can not communicate with each other. Therefore it’s meaningless for us to solely focus our attention on the confrontational aspects of varying political systems. Two systems and each having its own set of pros and cons - differing ideologies, good and bad aspects, the inner workings of each system, varying social implications and differing expectations. Contrarily, I’d like to believe all of this has perhaps been mysteriously arranged by the God of our unseen world. Just like the puppet player, Alexander, who always prepared an alternative puppet in the event of an unforeseen accident, we just might catch Him during this show’s performance. This metaphor arouses most people’s senses about the nothingness of fate.
While North Korea was losing herself in its collective ceremony, South Korea was perhaps exhilarated and celebrating with the joyous news about some commercial sporting event.As to the loss of individuality, while the North is worshipping its Father under a centralized authority; the South portrays its Brother as being a modern democracy. The former one puts individuals into an absolute authoritative system, so individuals can perhaps gain a sense of belonging and safety. However, the case for modern democracy is perhaps based on some commercial roles  i. e. “All men are equal before counting their money.” You too can now possess and enjoy those things highly possessed by the privileged classes, if only you own the corresponding piece of the purchasing power, this is now what masquerades as democracy.
Under the father-like authority in North Korea, everyone is filled with emotion and are faithfully grateful. This system diminishes individuals into individually formatted symbols- replacing individuals with a collective body. There is now only one voice in the world, the father’s; there is only one emotion in this world, the gratefulness to their father. The group replaces the individual, and group’s collective judgment replaces the individual’s own judgment. What concerns every one of them is how he or she can integrate himself into the group. As a result, conformity becomes the central fashion in that North Korean world, the voice of the collective group becomes the loudest voice in the world, and the group’s revelry is high enough to thoroughly intoxicate oneself.
These two worlds are so different that they are perhaps actually the same? Is there really a world of difference between autocracy and democracy? Contrarily, they are rather familiar, like the two sides of a given coin. Surely when God said, “Let there be light” and light appeared and filled the sky, a shadow then followed. Proving a shadow’s existence allows us to likewise feel and search for its corresponding light. So we can not tell one from the other – the light and its pursuant shadow.  So he is you, and you are he?  It’s impossible to have two of you or him existing in this world, so you and he are now nothing more than a pair of puppets in God’s Prop Chest.

  2006年9月5日  于北京通州晾木厂
September 5, 2006   Beijing Timber Drying Yard

(图片 老六提供)






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